
Friday, October 25, 2013

Ideas for All Saints Day

Can you believe it? All Saints Day is only a week away! Whether you're having a big party or will just be home with your family here are a few ideas for celebrating:

 All Saints Cupcakes: These happen to be pumpkin spice cupcakes (spice cake mix with pumpkin puree added) topped with homemade cream cheese frosting. My recipe for the frosting can be found here. I used the adorable images from Happy Saints laminated and hot glued onto small craft sticks as toppers. Of course you don't have to laminate and hot glue, I just wanted people to be able to take them home and keep them if they wanted to. Unlaminated and taped will work just fine. The college students I was cooking for last year loved the cupcakes and the toppers; some of the toppers are still displayed around the church lobby door!
 Saints Matching Game: I also used Happy Saints for this. You can find the instructions for making this game here.
Saints, Saints, Who Do You See? - A riff on the classic children's book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? by Bill Martin and Eric Carle, this saintly version is a great way to introduce young children to your  family's favorite saints and to the concept of how the saints pray for us. If you make your own you  can customize it for you family, but Jennifer over at Catholic Inspired has made a free printable version of this project as well. For the printable version click here. To see how I made mine, click here.

Perhaps you're having a party with different activities and snacks themed after specific saints. I have some fun ideas that could work for that too! Click on the name of the recipe/project to get the instructions.

 Edible St. Agnes Lambs
 St. John the Baptist's Locusts and Honey on a Log
 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Caramel Corn (would also work for any saint who was a  Carmelite)

 Also good to represent Carmelite saints are these Salted Cashew Caramels (these are easily made into plain caramels by leaving out the nuts and salt)

Angel Food Cupcakes with Blackberries represent St. Micheal the Archangel and/or the other archangels St. Raphael and St. Gabriel

St. Francis of Assisi Pine Cone Birdfeeders
St. Anthony's Lost and Found Fish Cupcakes have a lost gummy fish on the inside that needs to be found! Give everybody a surprise inside, or only put a gummy fish inside one and whoever finds it gets a special prize!

 This post is linked up at the Catholic Bloggers Network monthly link up blitz

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