
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mary's Birthday Pancakes

Happy Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary! Kids love birthdays so celebrating Mary's with them is pretty fun. While a birthday cake is a wonderful idea, we kept it a little more simple. My husband got a new job that has him working on weekends, and we couldn't eat a whole cake between the three of us anyway.

With the new job we decided to make sure that our family has a nice Sunday breakfast together after our new earlier mass time, so we dressed up our pancakes for this special birthday celebration. I just used my basic pancake recipe from the family cookbook, added blue food coloring, and layered them whipped cream. You could also layer them with some simple cream cheese frosting. You can find my recipe for it here. I also have some recipes for blueberry muffins and Marian jello cups that would work well for today. In the past I shared my recipe for whole wheat pumpkin pancakes, which bump up the health factor, but due to their golden color would be difficult to make blue.

Make sure you sing Happy Birthday to Mary (kids love this part!), and say a Hail Mary or other Marian prayer together as a family.


1 egg
1 cup milk
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup flour
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

Beat the egg and mix all the ingredients together until smooth.

Grease a hot griddle or pan. Drop batter onto the pan with a large spoon. When bubble form on the top they are ready to flip. If you want to add any extras like berries or chocolate chips, add them in while they're on the pan, but before flipping.

*Update: We won a cake at the parish picnic cakewalk so ended up with cake anyway!

 This post is linked up at the Catholic Bloggers Network monthly link up blitz , and the Equipping Catholic Families Saints Cele-linky

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