
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Stations of the Cross Picture Pull

This is a great craft to help introduce the Stations of the Cross to younger children. I used images from the Happy Saints eBook "The Way of the Cross." This eBook also has great reflections for children on each station. To purchase the eBook click on the Happy Saints link on the right side of my blog. You could use any images you want for the project, but Happy Saints are especially nice for little ones.

2 colors of construction paper (I used black and brown. I wanted to use purple for Lent, but I didn't have any)

1. Cut out your images of the Stations. Glue them onto construction paper. My square badges took up 2 1/2 pieces.

2. Cut the construction paper into strips and glue together to make one long one strip with all the stations in order.

3. On the bottom of a different colored piece of construction paper cut a hole the same size as your images, and then cut a slit on either side of the hole that are the same length as the hole. (slits not shown)

4. If desired, use a marker to decorate the paper with the hole. I wrote "Stations of the Cross" at the top and put a cross on each side. Then lace the strip with the images through the slits and glue the ends together to make a loop. Fold in the sides of the paper with the hole for stability. The loop also helps with stability. When you do stations as a family,  pull the strip through to look at each station one at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah Rose!
    This is cute and it looks like super fun for kids! Thanks so much for sharing it on my link-up! God bless!
